Monday, December 5, 2011

War Horse

           The book i am reading is War Horse. Albert has a horse sent to the  war and his horse is tooken away from him. His horse is named joey and is a very good farm horse. Last year my horse was taken to Michigan state for a horse show and i was woried about her. My mom was there and mindy the rider that was going to ride her. I was woried about mystery and did not see her for three days.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

I am thankfull for.........

  • My life 
  • My parents 
  • My brother 
  • Playing Sports 
  • Having animals
  • Being Loved 
  • Being Funny 
  • Going to school 
  • Having a meal on the table every day 
  • Having Friends
  • Having fun on Holidays
  • Having Jesus
  • Having Freedom
  • Being Fast and a Athlete
  • A computer and video games

Friday, November 11, 2011

Vetrans Day

Today i am asked to find research on Vetrans Day. Vetrans day started in 1919, The reason we do this is for the people who served. Vetrans day was proclamed after world war 1, we celbrate it by discusing it and talk about it in school. Vetrans day use to be called Armistice Day but is now called vetrans day. There are famous vetrans one for there bravery and leadership. Many Vetrans became famous after there service because of sucess. Some famous vetrans are Alec Guinness, Art Donovan, and Brian Keith. There ar so many famous vetrans that its hard to name them all.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

C.S Lewis

Clive Stapels Lewis is his real name and he was born in Belfast, Ireland. His mother taught him to love books and encouredged him to learn french and Latin. His mother died of cancer when Clive was nine years old. He made crafts and writing and was published in boxen: The Imaginary world of the young C.S Lewis (1985). He wrote many books and one was suprized by joy (1955). His favriots were Edith Nesbit books among them the story of the amulet (1906), whih mixed fantasy with reaality and the uncut the edition of Gulivers Travel. He loved books he published them and would read books to.  Clive was not married and had no kids. Clive dies in 1963 of old age.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The red Hen

Exposition -  The little Red Hen in her farm yard and her chickens. Goose and Duck are the other characters.

Rising Action - Little Red Hen asks who will plant this wheat Goose and Duck said not I, so little red hen did. She kept asking them favors for them to do but they refused.

Climax - When the bread was baked, she said who will eat this bread with me. Duck and Goose spoke up right away and said we will. Little Red Hen said no because they didnt help at all.

Falling Action -  Little Red Hen went to the other chickens and they ate the bread all by there selfs.

REsolution -

Monday, October 31, 2011

Theme of holes

            The theme oh holes is try our best and do what’s right. They teach us that if you  do every thing right you will get treated right and you will get opportunities like extra long showers and Etc. If you get in camp green lake its for punishment, for what ever bad thing you did.

Thursday, October 27, 2011


I like buddies because i enjoy helpin the m and there super funny!!! My buddies like buddies because there awsome and i look up to them!!!!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

1) finding whtas important and grades arent every thing.

2) Joshes theme is dont let people put you down with words and be your self.

3) The theme of comoles story is it doesnt madder what race you are and what clothes you where. Be your self.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Tarken's bileve

I think Tarken's bileve is you should always do whats right and do whats best for your body.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

About me

Hi my name is Travis C. and i will be using blogger for a education. One thing about me is i play three sports I play football, basketball, and base ball. I hope to have a great year in sixth grade!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Second Aweful Monday

     I woke up and i was one hour late for school i got there and tripped on a desk and my face was terrifying. I opened up my planner to show it to Mrs.Boes but she wasnt there. It was a ugly big mean sub. Then the sub made us do one million pushups or else we would get whipped. So when we had resses i fell and my face fell in the snow. I got back and we had to go to gym. I got in there and there was a nother sub. She made us run at top speed the whole time. 
     I got on the bus and there was another sub. She made us be quiet the whole time and she was one hour late to get home. 
        P.S.I wish this never happend. 

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

awesome school day

I woke up and got on the bus and found fifty bucks laying on the seat. When i got to school i noticed my desk was all by my friends desks. when i opened my desk up i found another fifty bucks with pop and party suplies. The teacher walked in and yelled party day. So we had our party and then went to gym and we did our activieis in the pitch black. When we got back i noticed that i had a P.S.3. with black ops, madden 11, and college football. It ended up evrey buddy got somthing including the teacher. When we went to math class evrey time we would get a question rite we would get ten bucks. When we went to science and got a question write we would get choclate.
        P.S. I loved it to day.