Monday, April 23, 2012

Strenghts and weekness

Catherines Strenghths are making rules for david, helping people, and making friends. Catherines weekness are being imbaresed by david, David gets what he wants and catherine doesnt.

My strenghths are being a good friend, being orginized, and getting good grades. My weekness are spiders and snakes, Going over bridges, and the dark when i cant see ANY THING!!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Rules for David!

1) No yelling in public places.
2) No pooping in the pool
3) No cursing
4) No sneeking/stealing food........
5) Never say never
6) Dont put your self down
7) No bulling.
8) Dont go #1 or #2 in your pants use the TOILET.
9) Dont pick your nose.
10) Dont go in the ladies bathroom.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

GAME plan!

G- Goal (I would like to read more and get more points in this last marking period)

A-    Action- In order to reach my goal I will read 45 min. each day and then I will review over what I read and what was the most important part.

M- Monitor- After every week I will check how many AR points I have and how far I have gotten in my book I am reading.

E- Evaluate-

GAME plan!

Monday, March 19, 2012

chicago feild trip

Our Sixth Grade went on a feild trip on friday I enjoyed this trip but what i enjoyed most was the Muesum cause i got to see old things and it was very big and easy to get lost. I enjoyed the anciant mumys i thought this was interesting because you got to see how they were made and how they lokk in the case thingy.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Bud not buddy rules

Bud not Buddy rules

1)      Never kiss a girl that has koodies. I think that because then you will have the koodies and then you will be known as the boy with koodies.
2)      Never lye to people. I think this because lyres don’t make friends.
3)      Make friends. I think this because friends are friends and they keep you company.
4)       Always love your families. I think this because it is your family and they will always love you.
5)      Tell the truth. I think this because if you don’t you can just get your self in more trouble.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Bud,not buddy

Bud is in a foster home and his foster home directer found him a home. Bud is excited because he gets to go to a home with a kid about his age. At first Bud is excited but then it turns into a fight. Todd started it and so bud had to defend him self. All of a sudden there mom walked bud was in trouble even though todd started it. The reason bud got in trouble is because his mom always bileves todd. That night bud had to sleep outside in ashed and they told him that a person had died in there and so bud thought there were bats. He got so scared that he slept in a pine tree. I wonder what will happen next?